Saturday, March 1, 2025

Surprising Saturday

 Today was a great day! I dropped off quite a bit of things off at the charity shop and grabbed a few things from Wal-Mart.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Fantasy Friday

 I am so thankful for today... we got the "violation" cleared and should be receiving documentation to that effect on Monday. I have a fantasy that one day I will not live in an HOA and that will become a reality next Saturday.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week 8 of 52


Finish You vs 2025 

    already 21% complete

Run/Wog once per week?

    Yeah, this goal is going to have to wait until we move

Drink mostly water

Obtain my goal weight by 145 by 3/22/2025

With the move and all the eating out so we could make sure the house didn't smell... this is just going to be pushed to the right a little bit.


Finish all of Adriana Trigani on my wish list


read 6 books that deal with this subject

practice daily gratitude


Learn a new skill

Family/ Friends

Go on a trip with my husband

Spend time together without technology-

     lots of time in the car house hunting

Make an effort to call family once a month

    Doing really well at calling people.

Get together with a friend once a month

    met my girlfriends a few weeks ago and my best friend a few weeks ago

    Seeing my best friend today and going out with a friend for lunch tomorrow

    had a birthday dinner for a friend and a get together tonight for my husband's birthday

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

what a day Wednesday

 What a wonderful day Wednesday!! 

The house is clean and ready for showing!! Let the offers roll in... ohhh yeah I forgot to tell you. We listed the house and have 8 showings tomorrow!! Hopefully the offers will roll in so we can move on to our dream house.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Week 7 of 52


Finish You vs 2025 

    already 18% complete

Run/Wog once per week?

    Yeah, this goal is going to have to wait until we move

Drink mostly water

Obtain my goal weight by 145 by 3/22/2025

    Yeah... still around 159... need to get back on track once we move, may need to move the date


Finish all of Adriana Trigani on my wish list


read 6 books that deal with this subject

practice daily gratitude


Learn a new skill

Family/ Friends

Go on a trip with my husband

Spend time together without technology-

     lots of time in the car house hunting

Make an effort to call family once a month

    Doing really well at calling people.

Get together with a friend once a month

    met my girlfriends a few weeks ago and my best friend a few weeks ago

    Seeing my best friend today and going out with a friend for lunch tomorrow

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Week 5 of 52



Finish You vs 2025 

    already almost 13% complete

Run/Wog once per week?

    Yeah, this goal is going to have to wait for warmer weather and no ice

Drink mostly water

Obtain my goal weight by 145 by 3/22/2025

    Yeah... still around 159... need to get back on track


Finish all of Adriana Trigani on my wish list


read 6 books that deal with this subject

practice daily gratitude


Learn a new skill

Family/ Friends

Go on a trip with my husband

Spend time together without technology

Make an effort to call family once a month

    Doing really well at calling people.

Get together with a friend once a month

    met my girlfriends and my best friend yesterday

Sunday, January 26, 2025

My Goals update week 4 of 52



Finish You vs 2025 

    already almost 10% complete

Run/Wog once per week?

    Yeah, this goal is going to have to wait for warmer weather and no ice

Drink mostly water

Obtain my goal weight by 145 by 3/22/2025

    Yeah... this goal has not gone so well... back on track though


Finish all of Adriana Trigani on my wish list


read 6 books that deal with this subject

practice daily gratitude


Learn a new skill

Family/ Friends

Go on a trip with my husband

Spend time together without technology

Make an effort to call family once a month

    Doing really well at calling people.

Get together with a friend once a month