Saturday, December 31, 2022

Week 1 of 52 pantry/grocery challenge

 I have a goal this year of only spending 3000 OR LESS on groceries while also using up things in my freezer/pantry. I am going to keep a list of what I spend each week/month as well as a meal plan (and then recap it each week to see how we actually did). 

I spent 36.23 at Aldi.

On the menu this week:

Saturday- Porterhouse steak from the 1/2 cow we bought earlier in 2022.

Sunday: Chicken and veggies

Monday: Meat loaf muffins and roasted veggies

Tuesday Mini Mediterranean Chicken Skewers

Wednesday Breakfast Taco Bowls

Thursday Leftovers

Friday- Fish

Saturday Duck with Brussel sprouts 

That is the plan and I cannot wait to update this to see what I have actually spent.

Total spent for January so far: 36.23

Monday, December 26, 2022

How did I do on the 2022 Goals

 1. Eat 80% AIP Paleo- I need to get back on this!

2. Try to get under 170 by 12/31/2022-I am letting this goal go for this year due to health issues.

3. Change light fixtures- Done

a. Change to recessed lighting ( the lights in the upstairs went out and we either need to change the bulbs or get the fixtures changed.)

4. Fix the banister- tighten screws- Done

5. Fix the screen door

6. Fix the front door Done

7. Fix the front window-Done

8. Fix the fence (gate)

9. Paint my office

10. Paint the wall in the spare bedroom

11. Read one spiritual book per month 8/12 I am calling this a win

a. The book of joy

b. Experiencing spirituality

c. The monk who sold his ferrari

d. Everything happens for a reason: and other lies I've loved

e. If God is Love, Don't be a Jerk

f. Four Thousand Weeks: Time Maagement for Mortals

g. Thge gifts of Imperfection

h. Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy

12. Read one history/biography or memoir/classic per quarter  A little too heavy on the biography, but I am calling this a win

a. Lincoln's last Trial: The Murder Case that Propelled him to the Presidency- really interesting read

b. Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway's Secret Adventures 1935-1961

c. Apparently There were complaints: A memoir Sharon Gless

d. lion- A long Journey Home

e. My Twenty Five Years in Provence: Reflections on Then and Now

f. They called Me a Lioness: A Palestinian Girl's fight for Freedom

g. The fire Next time

h. Nala's world: One man, his rescue cat, and a bike ride around the globe

i. One Life

j. A Journal for Jordan: A story of Love and Honor

k. Who Thought this was a good idea?: And other questions you should have answers to when you work in the white house

L. James Patterson by James Patterson

M The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku

N Driving Hungry: A Memoir

O. The Light we Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times

13. New goal Beat You vs the Year (again) I am calling this a win even though the app stopped showing this on my dashboard

15. Read ten books I already own I am calling this a tie 8/10

a. The kite runner

b. Go tell the bees that I am gone- long and nice will definitely read again

c. Common Sense

d. The Hobbit- excellent book

e. The monk who sold his ferrari

f. The crown in the Heather (The Bruce Trilogy book 1)

g. A second wind: Time to own your future

                h. on the loose katie parker productions #3

15. Research yield shield- come up with a plan (done)

a. Determine what's needed for five year in the yield shield

I am pretty sure I am going to use a version of the information on this page:

16. Try one new AIP Paleo recipe per month Total win

a. One Pan eggroll on a plate- An absolute winner

b. Beef Stew- delicious-made it twice

c. Red Wine Pasta Sauce- I don't hate it... and I may grow to like it (He won't know it's paleo)

d. Chocolate Avocado Mousse- Never again (He won't know it's Paleo)

e. taco breakfast bowls- This may be a dinner for me this week

f. Brocolli "cheese" soup- had this for dinner tonight and it was delicious- Paleo Comfort food book.

g. Stir-fry with AIP Stir Fry Sauce- excellent

h. easy hawaiian chicken dinner-umm maybe not again

I. Beef Fajitas

J. bbq sauce

k. bacon chowder

l. Turkey bacon hash- this has become my go to breakfast 

17. Cross one thing off the to see list per month... New goal One fun thing per month

a. George Washington Masonic National Memorial- closed to visitors, but I was able to drive around and admire it. I call that a win.

b. Fort McHenry- amazing place where the star spangled banner was written

C. Went to see my Grandmother

D. Company picnic

e. George Washington National Birthplace Memorial

                f. Baltimore

                g. Dolphins Game

               h Amish store

                I My daughter graduate

        18. Curtains downstairs-Done

Overall, I would have to give myself a B or B+ were there some things I could have done better, well yeah, but overall given all of the challenges of the year, I would say I did a good job.

Goals for 2023

 My theme word for 2023 is Adventure and to that end, I have some goals for 2023:


Take a trip with a girlfriend to NYC and see a play in January

Go camping

Go fishing

Hike the Billy Goat Trail


Beat the you vs the year 2023

Eat 75 %  AIP

Get down to 155 before the wedding in June


Save 60k in long term emergency fund

Read ten books I already own

Only spend 3000 on groceries for the year

Pay extra down on the house


Read six spiritual books

Meditate daily