Sunday, August 12, 2018

Just when I think I am getting better

I have had a flare up lately. I either have a cold, or I ate something that did not agree with me. I have had to start using nasal lavage (I call it going to the ocean) because it seems to help.
So even though I have been eating a lot of bacon and eggs lately, my cholesterol has gone down from last year. I am heartened especially because I had steak the night before the test. (not a great way to prep for the test I grant you).
The best thing I think I can do is try to get as many veggies as possible, stay away from the stuff I need to and eat healthy. If I can do that and exercise, I may just beat this high cholesterol thing.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Update on goals

Earlier this year, I started that I would like to have more fun and get healthy... How am I doing?
My goals were to
But, I also want to have fun. I have a lot of plans this year:

  • running a half and maybe a full marathon, I am going to get serious about this
  • travel, two trips Italy and Niagara Falls
  • start kayaking, I have been out on the water twice- may need new boat
  •  living well (aka lose a little weight). nothing to see here... lets move on
  •  volunteer, yes!!! I am volunteering most Mondays and also joined a committee
  • give back to my community doing pretty well here
  • continue to be a good mom and wife. I think I am doing well here
  • walking or using the elliptical every day I am doing well on most days I need more 

Well, it looks like I have done well in some areas and need to improve in others. 
I need to find a race so that I can get more serious about this goal. I think I will shoot for a goal of running a half marathon and next year have the goal of running a marathon.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


When we talk about our health, do we equate fun and enjoyment in the mix? This year, I have let loose a bit more and decided to travel.
First, I went to Italy for my birthday and last weekend I went to Niagra Falls. Both experiences left me with joy. Niagra Falls was more exciting for me though. While we were up there, we crossed the border into Canada. This allowed me to finally have a good exchange rate. :)

I think that there has to be a bit of fun factored into life to have good health. Fun and Joy should be things that one tries to attain.

What do you think constitutes good health?