This last week has been crazy. Since I was in the hospital, I feel like I have just been in survival mode. I am tired of that and I am picking myself up off the mat.
1. Eat 80% AIP Paleo- I did okay this week. More like 75%
2. Try to get under 170 by 12/31/2022- I will weigh myself once per month on the first weekend of the month
January- 180
February (1/29/2022) 175
March (2/26/2022) 173.8
April 4/2/2022 175 Nothing to see here... just remember the closer you eat to AIP the better you feel.
3. Change light fixtures
a. Change to recessed lighting ( the lights in the upstairs went out and we either need to change the bulbs or get the fixtures changed.)
4. Fix the banister- tighten screws
Screws have been tightened
5. Fix the screen door
6. Fix the front door
7. Fix the front window
8. Fix the fence (gate)
9. Paint my office
10. Paint the wall in my daughter's room
11. Read one spiritual book per month
a. The book of joy
b. Experiencing spirituality
c. The monk who sold his ferrari
d. Everything happens for a reason: and other lies I've loved
e. If God is Love, Don't be a Jerk
12. Read one history/biography or memoir/classic per quarter
a. Lincoln's last Trial: The Murder Case that Propelled him to the Presidency- really interesting read
b. Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway's Secret Adventures 1935-1961
c. Apparently There were complaints: A memoir Sharon Gless
d. lion- A long Journey Home
e. My Twenty Five Years in Provence: Reflections on Then and Now
f. An American Marriage
13. New goal Beat You vs the Year (again) 507/1022
a. I have already walked 100km this year
b. I completed the 200 km this week…
c. I completed the 400 km this week... next up 600 km
15. Read ten books I already own
a. The kite runner
b. Go tell the bees that I am gone- long and nice will definitely read again
c. Common Sense
d. The Hobbit- excellent book
e. The monk who sold his ferrari
f. The crown in the Heather (The Bruce Trilogy book 1)
15. Research yield shield- come up with a plan (done)
a. Determine what's needed for five year in the yield shield
I am pretty sure I am going to use a version of the information on this page:
16. Try one new AIP Paleo recipe per month
a. One Pan eggroll on a plate- An absolute winner
b. Beef Stew- delicious-made it twice
c. Red Wine Pasta Sauce- I don't hate it... and I may grow to like it (He won't know it's paleo)
d. Chocolate Avocado Mousse- Never again (He won't know it's Paleo)
e. taco breakfast bowls- This may be a dinner for me this week
f. Brocolli "cheese" soup- had this for dinner tonight and it was delicious- Paleo Comfort food book.
g. Stir-fry with AIP Stir Fry Sauce- excellent
h. easy hawaiian chicken dinner-umm maybe not again
I. Beef Fajitas
J. bbq sauce
k. bacon chowder
17. Cross one thing off the to see list per month... New goal One fun thing per month
a. George Washington Masonic National Memorial- closed to visitors, but I was able to drive around and admire it. I call that a win.
b. Fort McHenry- amazing place where the star spangled banner was written
C. Went to see my Grandmother
D. Company picnic
e. George Washington National Birthplace Memorial colonial beach- this was great, but a long drive.
18. Curtains downstairs- we bought a curtain rod