Saturday, August 31, 2024

Satisfied Saturday

 I have heard a lot about blogs creating a Thankful Thursday or a Market Monday (what they bought at the market) and thought I would give it a try. While I am too late for Thursday, I still would like to mention some of the things that I am thankful for today (or that give me satisfaction). Such as:

1. Teaching ESOL to my students who do such a good job.

2. Exercising by walking- 

3. Losing weight even though I don't really feel deprived.

4. My paycheck covers all of our bills.

5. My husband is in school and is doing so well.

6. cooking meals ahead of time and eating the leftovers

7. My job. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Heroes don't always wear capes

 I have heard it said that not all heroes wear capes. Some people in the financial independence space are my heroes. People like Mr. 1500 days and MMM. These pioneers detailed what was needed to try to become financially independent. 

Because of them and people like them (Here is looking at you Dave Ramsey) we paid off all of our debt (except the house) years ago and worked at building a savings account that could handle an emergency. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Week 31 out of 52

 My goals for 2024 are going to be simple. I still want to read great books, and do great things that challenge me, but I also want to live and give my self grace.


  • Take a sailing course or two or three- Took the course sailing fundamentals

  • Beat you vs 2024 
    • Making progress!! (already 700.29/1024)  68%
  • Go to the dentist
    • Dentist appointment kept (all up to date)
  • Get to my goal weight of 155- Down to 160 doing great!
  • Read 10 books I already own (5/10)
    • Sensible shoes
    • I will Teach you to be Rich
    • Two Steps Forward: A Story of Persevering in Hope
    • Outlive: A study of longevity
    • Barefoot: A story of surrendering to God
  • Take my husband on 12 dates this year 11/12
    • The Iron Claw (movie) and Pho
    • The Beekeeper (movie) 5/5 Stathams
    • Bonefish/Stations of the cross
    • Carrabba's after church
    • Popeye's/ Stations of the cross
    • Coffee Shop and Comic book store
    • Library of Congress/US Capitol
    • Lazy Dog
    • Trip to SC with the fella to see family.
    • sailing school (week vacation)
    • DeadPool- wanna watch it again
  • Go Fishing  While on vacation