Sunday, May 19, 2024

Week 20 of 52

 My goals for 2024 are going to be simple. I still want to read great books, and do great things that challenge me, but I also want to live and give my self grace.


  • Take a sailing course or two or three- Took the course sailing fundamentals

  • Beat you vs 2024 
    • Making progress!! (already 363/1024) 
  • Go to the dentist
    • Dentist appointment kept (all up to date)
  • Get to my goal weight of 155- Down to 172 doing great!
  • Read 10 books I already own (3/10)
    • Sensible shoes
    • I will Teach you to be Rich
    • Two Steps Forward: A Story of Persevering in Hope
  • Take my husband on 12 dates this year 9/12
    • The Iron Claw (movie) and Pho
    • The Beekeeper (movie) 5/5 Stathams
    • Bonefish/Stations of the cross
    • Carrabba's after church
    • Popeye's/ Stations of the cross
    • Coffee Shop and Comic book store
    • Library of Congress/US Capitol
    • Lazy Dog
    • Trip to SC with the fella to see family.
  • Go Fishing  While on vacation

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